Photography Tips and Tricks

Photography Tips and Tricks

Photography is a skill that anybody can master with a little effort and some tricks. Today we will discuss some of the best tips and tricks that can help you improve your photography.

1. Holding the Camera: This is the first and most basic step of learning photography and unfortunately, most of the new photographers don’t even hold the camera properly which results in blurry pictures. The camera should be held with both hands with the right hand on the right side and the left one beneath the camera to support the weight of the camera. Holding the camera close to your body will give stability.

2. Always be ready: As a photographer, you should always be ready to click because the right moment for a perfect photo can come at any time. Most cameras have instantaneous startup times and take little to almost no extra battery to leave your camera on. The first rule while clicking an unexpected photo is to keep your camera on of the semi-auto or fully automatic modes. These semi-auto or auto modes help in capturing quick pictures.

3. Focus on Eyes: Eyes are the first thing people notice no matter if you are in real life or in a picture because people are generally drawn to eyes. Make sure you nail the focus on eyes while taking portraits. A perfect focus on the eyes will give you a perfect picture most of the time.

4. Start shooting in RAW: Raw is a file format in which image data is recorded directly by your camera without any compression. It helps give you high-quality pictures and more control over post-processing.

5. A wide aperture is best for portraits: In portraits, your main focus is your subject, and to focus properly on your subject a wider aperture should be used. The wider aperture keeps your subject sharp and the background blur.

6. A narrow aperture is best for landscapes: Landscapes require a different approach than portraits. In landscapes, the background should be fully in focus. Therefore, you should always select a narrow aperture.

7. Expose and focus first, then frame your shot: Improperly framed pictures may still be saved but blurry or improperly exposed pictures are unusable. This is why it is important to always focus on and properly expose the subject before adjusting the frame.

8. Make use of reflections: Look for reflections around you. There are a lot of opportunities in photography that most people don’t pay attention to, and reflections are one of them.

9. Play with perspective: Playing with perspective can help you capture more creative pictures. The same scene can look different from different approaches and angles. So, keep on experimenting with the angles.

10. Lighting can make or break your photo: Lighting is important because it dictates the shadows, shape, texture, and contrast in your images. So, it is important that you choose the right time for your pictures. The sunrise and the Golden hour are two of the best times to click an extraordinary picture.

11. Learn from your mistakes: Mistakes are the best teachers if you learn from them, and they can help you learn even faster. Every photographer was once a beginner with no skill at all but everybody who is successful now has learned from their mistakes. Try new techniques, make mistakes, and learn.

Do you have any tips? Leave a comment, let us know.

👉👉Are you interested in being a professional photographer? Keep scrolling to see how you can become a pro today!! 💯👇👇

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