Main Genres in the Field of Photography.

Main Genres in the Field of Photography.

Photography is the story, which one fails to put in words. But there are hundreds of stories, fiction, romantic, folklore, fairy tale, and many more, and so are the genres in the field of photography.

In this piece, we are going to briefly discuss some of the major photography genres. Generally, photographers specialize in one or sometimes two genres of photography, but when you have the camera in your hand, why not experiment with various styles, which would surely expand your photography skills. Let’s have a look at some of the major genres of photography that could contribute towards making you a better photographer in other styles.

1. Portrait Photography: Portraiture or what we call portrait photography is the photography genre in which photographs the mood, emotion, personality of a person or a group of people. In this genre, the photographer’s main goal is to bring out something about the subject, in the photograph for the viewers, while taking care of factors like location, light, setting subject to ease, and making sure to shoot plenty of shots to bring out the best one.

2. Photojournalism: It is the form of journalism that we count in the list of photography genres, just like journalist uses their pen to tell the stories; photojournalist uses his camera to capture the story. In this style, the photojournalist collects the photos in order that deliver the story of the news to the viewers.

3. Fashion Photography: Capturing the glamour of the aspects of fashion, be it clothing or accessories or the products used by the beauty divas, the main goal of this style of photography is to capture the viewers’ attention towards the fashion products and draw their desires towards it. This style of photography is the most powerful tool in the marketing segment and is an integral part of any brand that exists.

4. Sports Photography: Capturing the adrenal rush of the players on the field and the emotions of the audience, joy of win and sadness of loss, this is the part of any game on which the sports photographer keeps the focus of his camera on.  Keeping a higher ISO to shoot at higher shutter speed, lenses to zoom in on the action and the interesting angles to make your captures stand out.

5. Wildlife Photography: When the wilderness is your subject, and you capture the moments of nature’s beauty in the wild, then that kind of photography is counted under the genre of wildlife photography. The key to the best shot in this style is patience, be still in the same pose and wait, wait, wait until you capture the beauty of the wild at its best.

6. Architectural Photography: The style in which you capture the beauty of the designs, the geometry and perfect styling in every bit of any building or any monument. The building is the subject and the photographer tries to enhance the esthetics of the architecture in the photography.

7. Landscape Photography: Capturing the beauty of nature, be it the setting sun or the falling water, dew drops on the petals or patterned snowflakes on the windshield, capturing the intricate details is what a photographer does in landscape photography. The landscape picture tells the story of the connection of the person behind the lens and nature as the subject. 

With all these said, what stops you from exploring the different styles and genres, expanding your photography skills, and capturing the best, with the camera in your hand and each object in this world as your subject.

But in case you are missing the accessories that help you achieve your best shot, stay tuned for the next blog where we are going to talk about the photography equipment, which would help you in your photography journey.

👉👉Are you interested in being a professional photographer? Keep scrolling to see how you can become a pro today!! 💯👇👇

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Photography Masterclass

Take The Perfect Photo!

If you've been struggling to get better photos with your camera, then you're going to love this. This new Photography Masterclass series of 29 videos will take any DSLR beginner and make them a pro...

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Photography Masterclass
Photography Masterclass

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